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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

16052Hotung and Wharfinger’s house in Tientsin1911

16053Hotung and Wharfinger’s house by the river in Tientsin (天津)1911

16669H. Dawson-Gröne, Tientsin1904

16853Hedgeland, colleagues and animals, in TientsinDecember 1903

16854Hedgeland, colleagues and animals, TientsinDecember 1903

19132Hosing water in Tientsin1923

19133Hosing water from a warehouse, Tientsin1923

19905Hotung district (河东), Tientsin1940

19906Hotung district (河东), Tientsin1940

19908Hotung district (河东), Tientsin1940

25828Hokunei Park, Tientsin1930s

25980Hiroshi Hirata fishing, Nankai University, Tientsin, c.19411941

26025Hisashi Ueno, 1938

26099Hisashi Ueno and his family, Tientsin, 1940

26490Hai Kwan Tsu arsenal and bell, Tientsin1900

30040Hung, domestic servant of Freer Kelseyc.1915

31642Hôtel du Nord, French Concession, Tientsin1900

32529Hong Kong

32532Hong Kong Le "Peak"

32534Hong Kong

32535Hong Kong

32541Hong Kong Sampans

32542Hong Kong Funiculaire

32545Hong Kong

32548Hong Kong sortie Sud

33341Hôpital Militaire de Tianjin, rue de France en 1902

34783Hand-drawn trucks transporting cotton goods in Tianjin
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Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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