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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Life in a China Outport1917William McLeishA lecture delivered to the China Society, London, by Wm. McLeish, former Secretary of the British Municipal Council Tientsin. Reptinted form the Tientsin and Peking Times.
British Municipal Council, Tientsin, Annual Report 1940 (extract)1940
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs1923Cormack, J.G.
Everyday customs in China1935Cormack, J.G.
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs1927Cormack, J.G.
The household accounts of two Chinese families1931Gamble Sidney D.
Quan zheng yi zhen 券证遗珍 /2007Chen, Cai 陈采
Baukunst und Landschaft in China: eine Reise durch zwölf Provinzen1923Boerschmann, Ernst
Meinen Mitarbeitern in Peking zur freundlichen Erinnerung an ihren Chef1902Alfons Mumm, von.
Memories of Old Tientsin1914An Old Hand [William McLeish]"The following lecture was delivered at a meeting of the 'Tientsin Union Church Literary and Social Guild' on the 31st. ult." [31 July 1914]
Minutes of the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of Electors of the British Municipal Area held in the Gordon Hall on Wednesday, April 7, 19371937British Municipal Council, TientsinBilingual edition of the minutes of the AGM of the Electors of the British Municipal Area
Zhongguo gu jin di ming da ci dian 中國古今地名大辭典1931
Crossing empire's edge : Foreign Ministry police and Japanese expansionism in Northeast Asia2009Esselstrom, Erik
Zhongguo di ming yan bian shou ce (1912 nian yi lai sheng shi xian xin lao di ming) 中國地名演變手冊 (1912年以來省市縣新老地名)2001Zhang Zhiqiang 張志强, Chen Li 陳 利, Gao Feng 高 鋒, Zhang Ligong 張立功 (eds.)
The entrepreneurial state in China : real estate and commerce departments in reform era Tianjin1998Duckett, Jane
La Chine. Ses monuments. Ses palais impériaux. Son architecture. Ses costumes. Ses arts divers (bronzes, cloisonnés, porcelaines, sculptures, meubles). Moyens de transports. Cérémonies. Scènes de la rue1900Laribe, Firmin (1855-1942)
The salt merchants of Tianjin : state-making and civil society in late Imperial China2001Kwan, Man Bun
Report of proceedings on a voyage to the northern ports of China in the ship Lord Amherst1834Lindsay, H. H.;Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August
Zhongguo li dai fu nü zhuang shi 中国历代妇女妆饰1988Zhou, Xun 周讯;Gao, Chunming 高春明
Zhongguo de fu nü yu cai chan 中国的妇女与财产2003Bai,Kai 白凯
Huanghe bian de Zhongguo 黄河边的中国2000Huang, Jinqing 黄锦清
Pin wei she hua 品味奢华2008Wu, Renshu 巫仁恕
Jin dai Zhongguo she hui de xin chen dai xie 近代中国社会的新陈代谢1992Chen, Xulu 陈旭麓
Kang zhan yu zhan hou Zhongguo 抗战与战后中国2007Yang, Tianshi 杨天石
Jun shi jin dai hua yu Zhongguo ge ming 军事近代化与中国革命1994Feng, Zhaoji 冯兆基
Kang zhan yu zhan hou Zhongguo 抗战与战后中国2007Yang, Tianshi 杨天石
Tou shi lao shang hai 透视老上海2004Xiong, Yuezhi 熊月之 高纲博文
Zhongguo shang ye shi 中国商业史1936Wang, Xiaotong 王孝通
Min zu zi ben chuang ban he jing ying de gong ye 民族资本创办和经营的工业1957Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛
Di guo zhu yi dui Zhongguo gong kuang shi ye de qin lüe he long duan 帝国主义对中国工矿事业的侵略和垄断1957Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛
Qing zheng fu、Beiyang zheng fu he Guomindang guan liao zi ben chuang ban he long duan de gong ye 清政府、北洋政府和国民党官僚资本创办和垄断的工业1957Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛
Zhongguo gong ye de te dian、zi ben、jie gou deng he gong ye zhong ge hang ye gai kuang 中国工业的特点、资本、结构等和工业中各行业概况1957Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛
Zhongguo jin dai si xiang yu xue shu de xi pu 中国近代思想与学术的系谱2001Wang Fansen 王汎森
Zhongguo jin dai si xiang shi lun 中国近代思想史论2003Wang ermin 王尔敏
Liang Qichao yu zhongguo jin dai si xiang 梁启超与中国近代思想1986Joseph R. Levenson
Zhongguo yin shi wen hua shi 中国饮食文化史2005Zhao Rongguang 赵荣光
Zhongguo tu di sang shi shi 中国土地丧失史1928Tang, Shouchang 唐守常
Zhui xun xian dai zhongguo-- 1600-1912 nian de zhongguo li shi 追寻现代中国—1600-1912年的中国历史2004Jonathan D. Spence
Xi qu you ling shi 戏曲优伶史1995Sun, Chongtao 孙崇涛;Xu, Hongtu 徐宏图
Liu min shi 流民史1997Lu, Deyang 陆德阳
Xi fang mei shu dong jian shi 西方美术东渐史2002GUAN, Wei 关卫
Zhongguo si xiang shi yan jiu 中国思想史研究2009岛田虔次
Ju long de tui bian 巨龙的蜕变Jiang Zhushan 蒋竹山;Chen Junqiang 陈俊强;Li Junshan 李君山;Yang Weizhen 杨维真
Zhongguo yu Zhongguo ren ying xiang 中国与中国人影像2012约翰·汤姆逊
Waiguo zai hua gongshang qiye cidian 外國在華工商企業辭典 The universal dictionary of foreign business in modern China1992Huang Guangyu (ed.) 黃光域
A visit to India, China, & Japan in the year 18531855Taylor, Bayard
Who's who in China. Biographies of Chinese leaders 中國名人錄1936Powell, John Benjamin
Who's who in China (Biographies of Chinese) 中國名人錄1926Powell, John Benjamin
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