Title   | Year   | Author(s)   | Abstract   |
Life in a China Outport | 1917 | William McLeish | A lecture delivered to the China Society, London, by Wm. McLeish, former Secretary of the British Municipal Council Tientsin. Reptinted form the Tientsin and Peking Times. |
British Municipal Council, Tientsin, Annual Report 1940 (extract) | 1940 | | |
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs | 1923 | Cormack, J.G. | |
Everyday customs in China | 1935 | Cormack, J.G. | |
Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs | 1927 | Cormack, J.G. | |
The household accounts of two Chinese families | 1931 | Gamble Sidney D. | |
Quan zheng yi zhen 券证遗珍 / | 2007 | Chen, Cai 陈采 | |
Baukunst und Landschaft in China: eine Reise durch zwölf Provinzen | 1923 | Boerschmann, Ernst | |
Meinen Mitarbeitern in Peking zur freundlichen Erinnerung an ihren Chef | 1902 | Alfons Mumm, von. | |
Memories of Old Tientsin | 1914 | An Old Hand [William McLeish] | "The following lecture was delivered at a meeting of the 'Tientsin Union Church Literary and Social Guild' on the 31st. ult." [31 July 1914] |
Minutes of the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of Electors of the British Municipal Area held in the Gordon Hall on Wednesday, April 7, 1937 | 1937 | British Municipal Council, Tientsin | Bilingual edition of the minutes of the AGM of the Electors of the British Municipal Area |
Zhongguo gu jin di ming da ci dian 中國古今地名大辭典 | 1931 | | |
Crossing empire's edge : Foreign Ministry police and Japanese expansionism in Northeast Asia | 2009 | Esselstrom, Erik | |
Zhongguo di ming yan bian shou ce (1912 nian yi lai sheng shi xian xin lao di ming) 中國地名演變手冊 (1912年以來省市縣新老地名) | 2001 | Zhang Zhiqiang 張志强, Chen Li 陳 利, Gao Feng 高 鋒, Zhang Ligong 張立功 (eds.) | |
The entrepreneurial state in China : real estate and commerce departments in reform era Tianjin | 1998 | Duckett, Jane | |
La Chine. Ses monuments. Ses palais impériaux. Son architecture. Ses costumes. Ses arts divers (bronzes, cloisonnés, porcelaines, sculptures, meubles). Moyens de transports. Cérémonies. Scènes de la rue | 1900 | Laribe, Firmin (1855-1942) | |
The salt merchants of Tianjin : state-making and civil society in late Imperial China | 2001 | Kwan, Man Bun | |
Report of proceedings on a voyage to the northern ports of China in the ship Lord Amherst | 1834 | Lindsay, H. H.;Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August | |
Zhongguo li dai fu nü zhuang shi 中国历代妇女妆饰 | 1988 | Zhou, Xun 周讯;Gao, Chunming 高春明 | |
Zhongguo de fu nü yu cai chan 中国的妇女与财产 | 2003 | Bai,Kai 白凯 | |
Huanghe bian de Zhongguo 黄河边的中国 | 2000 | Huang, Jinqing 黄锦清 | |
Pin wei she hua 品味奢华 | 2008 | Wu, Renshu 巫仁恕 | |
Jin dai Zhongguo she hui de xin chen dai xie 近代中国社会的新陈代谢 | 1992 | Chen, Xulu 陈旭麓 | |
Kang zhan yu zhan hou Zhongguo 抗战与战后中国 | 2007 | Yang, Tianshi 杨天石 | |
Jun shi jin dai hua yu Zhongguo ge ming 军事近代化与中国革命 | 1994 | Feng, Zhaoji 冯兆基 | |
Kang zhan yu zhan hou Zhongguo 抗战与战后中国 | 2007 | Yang, Tianshi 杨天石 | |
Tou shi lao shang hai 透视老上海 | 2004 | Xiong, Yuezhi 熊月之 高纲博文 | |
Zhongguo shang ye shi 中国商业史 | 1936 | Wang, Xiaotong 王孝通 | |
Min zu zi ben chuang ban he jing ying de gong ye 民族资本创办和经营的工业 | 1957 | Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛 | |
Di guo zhu yi dui Zhongguo gong kuang shi ye de qin lüe he long duan 帝国主义对中国工矿事业的侵略和垄断 | 1957 | Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛 | |
Qing zheng fu、Beiyang zheng fu he Guomindang guan liao zi ben chuang ban he long duan de gong ye 清政府、北洋政府和国民党官僚资本创办和垄断的工业 | 1957 | Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛 | |
Zhongguo gong ye de te dian、zi ben、jie gou deng he gong ye zhong ge hang ye gai kuang 中国工业的特点、资本、结构等和工业中各行业概况 | 1957 | Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛 | |
Zhongguo jin dai si xiang yu xue shu de xi pu 中国近代思想与学术的系谱 | 2001 | Wang Fansen 王汎森 | |
Zhongguo jin dai si xiang shi lun 中国近代思想史论 | 2003 | Wang ermin 王尔敏 | |
Liang Qichao yu zhongguo jin dai si xiang 梁启超与中国近代思想 | 1986 | Joseph R. Levenson | |
Zhongguo yin shi wen hua shi 中国饮食文化史 | 2005 | Zhao Rongguang 赵荣光 | |
Zhongguo tu di sang shi shi 中国土地丧失史 | 1928 | Tang, Shouchang 唐守常 | |
Zhui xun xian dai zhongguo-- 1600-1912 nian de zhongguo li shi 追寻现代中国—1600-1912年的中国历史 | 2004 | Jonathan D. Spence | |
Xi qu you ling shi 戏曲优伶史 | 1995 | Sun, Chongtao 孙崇涛;Xu, Hongtu 徐宏图 | |
Liu min shi 流民史 | 1997 | Lu, Deyang 陆德阳 | |
Xi fang mei shu dong jian shi 西方美术东渐史 | 2002 | GUAN, Wei 关卫 | |
Zhongguo si xiang shi yan jiu 中国思想史研究 | 2009 | 岛田虔次 | |
Ju long de tui bian 巨龙的蜕变 | | Jiang Zhushan 蒋竹山;Chen Junqiang 陈俊强;Li Junshan 李君山;Yang Weizhen 杨维真 | |
Zhongguo yu Zhongguo ren ying xiang 中国与中国人影像 | 2012 | 约翰·汤姆逊 | |
Waiguo zai hua gongshang qiye cidian 外國在華工商企業辭典 The universal dictionary of foreign business in modern China | 1992 | Huang Guangyu (ed.) 黃光域 | |
A visit to India, China, & Japan in the year 1853 | 1855 | Taylor, Bayard | |
Who's who in China. Biographies of Chinese leaders 中國名人錄 | 1936 | Powell, John Benjamin | |
Who's who in China (Biographies of Chinese) 中國名人錄 | 1926 | Powell, John Benjamin | |