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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

15669Boats, Tientsin Lighter Company, Tongku (塘沽)1906

15691Butterfield and Swire premises, Victoria Road, Tientsin1906

16062Bagging up salt at Hanku (汉沽)1911

17870Butterfield and Swire premises, Victoria Road, Tientsin1919

19140Butterfield and Swire property at Tientsin Hotung1923

19266By the Haihe (海河) in Tientsin1923

19650Bicycle, car and rickshaws in front of Butterfield and Swire office, Victoria Road, Tientsin1920

19653Butterfield and Swire staff at Tientsin Hotung1920

19757Butterfield and Swire office in Tientsin1933

19898Building site in Tientsin, 19401940

19899Back yard in Tientsin, 19401940

19900Building site in Tientsin1940

19903Back yard in Tientsin1940

19986Butterfield and Swire compound and warehouses, Tientsin 1906-19071906

19989Butterfield and Swire property in Tongku (塘沽)1906

19990Butterfield and Swire property in Tongku (塘沽)1906

19991Butterfield and Swire property in Tongku (塘沽)1906

20016British and Russia Concessions, Tientsin1906

20186Bend in the river, Tientsin19071907

25802British Concession, Tientsin1900-1920s

25812Bandstand, Yamato Park, Japanese Concession, Tientsin1910-1930

25820Bandstand, Victoria Park, British Concession, Tientsin1910-1930

25834Bird cage shop, Tientsin1930s

25859Barber, with customer1900-1915

25867Bandstand and Gordon Hall, Tientsin1920-1930

25872Bandstand, Yamato Park, Japanese Concession, Tientsin1920-1930

25875Beining Park, Tientsin1920-1930

25876Bandstand, French Concession park, Tientsin1933-40

25881Baron Czikon Strass, ex-Austrian Concession, Tientsin1930s

25946Briquet maker1940s

25954Blindfolded donkey milling; roadside food pedlar1937-1945

25979Bomb damage and water tower, Nankai University, Tientsinc.1937-1945

25982Bombed building, Nankai University, Tientsin1941

25983Bombing damage, Nankai University, Tientsin1941

25994Branch premises, Tientsinc.1937-1945

26032Bomb-damaged building, Nankai University, Tientsinc.1937-1945

26597British soldiers and a gun on a train at a railway station1900

26607British mounted officers, Tientsin1900

26632British Indian soldiers, with stores1900

26633British forces1900

26653British Indian forces1900

26654Building damaged by shells1900

26706Busy street and Temperance Hall, Tientsin1901

31559Bund français

31612Bund françaisAutomne 1931

31627Batterie de 75 à l'angle des rues de France et du consulat (actuelles 解放北路 et 承德道)Wednesday 11 November 1931

31779Barque chinoise au Palais d'Hiver1933-10

32446Beidaihe 北戴河

32518Boy de la famille Bontemps

32521Bund de Shanghai

32993Bobines originales

32994Bobine originale

34842Bales of cotton and wool stored on the Tianjin Bund
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Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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