12 documents
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NameReverend Charles A. Killie (1857-1916)
Family NameKillie
Given NameReverend Charles A.
Field of ActivityAmerican Presbyterian Missionary
Date of birth1857
Place of birthMarshall, Ilinois, USA
Date of death1916
Biographical informationKillie worked at the American Presbyterian Mission in Peking (Beijing). He took some remarkable photographs around the end of the siege of the Legation Quarter (August 1900), during the Boxer Uprising.
See the Killie Family Papers (RG 226), held by the Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard Stret, Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA. The Presbyterian Historical Society holding includes an album containing a set of fifty photographs by Charles A. Killie, including "twenty-six large views taken by request of the British Minister and the General Committee of Public Comfort of the Siege."
The National Archives London holds an album (National Archives ref: CO 1069/425) containing twenty-six photographs (HPC ref: NA05).
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