30 documents
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Document ID Original title Year Year range Transliteration 

1449Plan of the foreign concessions Tianjin Drawn for Crow's "Handbook for China"1933

1464Map of Tianjin 19001900

1465Plan of Tianjin1945

1621Japanese Concession of Tianjin 天津日本租界当时全图

1622Sketch map of Tianjin1900

1623Sketch map of Tianjin1900

1624Map of Tianjin 最新天津市街图1946

1625Map of Tianjin

1626Plan of Tianjin1945

1627Map of portion Tianjin1900

1628Japanese concession of Tianjin 天津日本租界之图1906

1629Map of Tianjin old city (Qing dynasty) 清代天津城内图

1630Plan of the foreign concessions of Tianjin1908

1631Map of Tianjin, prepared for the Tianjin provisional government1900

1632Map of Tianjin

1633Tianjin and its surrounding roads

1634Map of Tianjin foreign settlements

1635Sketch maps of Wuhan and Tianjin foreign settlements

1636Map of Tianjin

1637Plan of Tianjin and its surrounding areas

1638Map of Tianjin1903

1639Plan of Tianjin1932

1640Plan of Tianjin district 天津县图1927

1641Plan of Tianjin1935



2212Plan de la Concession française montrant le territoire occupé à Laoxikai jusqu’en 19171917

1467鳥瞰の天津Chōkan no Tenshin

1519Plan of Tianjin (1925)1925Plan of Tianjin (1925)

30 results (1/1 page)          
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The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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